Data-Ism : The Revolution Transforming Decision Making, Consumer Behavior, and Almost Everything Else by Steve Lohr download book DJV, MOBI, FB2


By one estimate, 90 percent of all of the data in history was created in the last two years. In 2014, International Data Corporation calculated the data universe at 4.4 zettabytes, or 4.4 trillion gigabytes. That much information, in volume, could fill enough slender iPad Air tablets to create a stack two-thirds of the way to the moon. Now, that's Big Data.Coal, iron ore, and oil were the key productive assets that fueled the Industrial Revolution. The vital raw material of today's information economy is data.In Data-ism, New York Times reporter Steve Lohr explains how big-data technology is ushering in a revolution in proportions that promise to be the basis of the next wave of efficiency and innovation across the economy. But more is at work here than technology. Big data is also the vehicle for a point of view, or philosophy, about how decisions will be--and perhaps should be--made in the future. Lohr investigates the benefits of data while also examining its dark side. Data-ism is about this next phase, in which vast Internet-scale data sets are used for discovery and prediction in virtually every field. It shows how this new revolution will change decision making--by relying more on data and analysis, and less on intuition and experience--and transform the nature of leadership and management. Focusing on young entrepreneurs at the forefront of data science as well as on giant companies such as IBM that are making big bets on data science for the future of their businesses, Data-ism is a field guide to what is ahead, explaining how individuals and institutions will need to exploit, protect, and manage data to stay competitive in the coming years. With rich examples of how the rise of big data is affecting everyday life, Data-ism also raises provocative questions about policy and practice that have wide implications for everyone.The age of data-ism is here. But are we ready to handle its consequences, good and bad?, Steve Lohr, a technology reporter for the New York Times, chronicles the rise of Big Data, addressing cutting-edge business strategies and examining the dark side of a data-driven world.Coal, iron ore, and oil were the key productive assets that fueled the Industrial Revolution. Today, Data is the vital raw material of the information economy. The explosive abundance of this digital asset, more than doubling every two years, is creating a new world of opportunity and challenge.Data-ism is about this next phase, in which vast, Internet-scale data sets are used for discovery and prediction in virtually every field. It is a journey across this emerging world with people, illuminating narrative examples, and insights. It shows that, if exploited, this new revolution will change the way decisions are made--relying more on data and analysis, and less on intuition and experience--and transform the nature of leadership and management.Lohr explains how individuals and institutions will need to exploit, protect, and manage their data to stay competitive in the coming years. Filled with rich examples and anecdotes of the various ways in which the rise of Big Data is affecting everyday life it raises provocative questions about policy and practice that have wide implications for all of our lives.

Read book Steve Lohr - Data-Ism : The Revolution Transforming Decision Making, Consumer Behavior, and Almost Everything Else MOBI, DOC

The text presents significant generalizations on existing stochastic averaging theory developed from scratch and necessitated by the need to avoid violation of previous theoretical assumptions by algorithms which are otherwise effective in treating these systems.An introduction by the editors highlights socio-political, economic, and historical aspects of South Asia to establish the relevance of this area.Various interesting and intelligent algorithms are reported on data mining tasks.You'll learn enough Python to be empowered to engage with your data, through a series of examples that grow in complexity throughout the book.", How do you take your data analysis skills beyond Excel to the next level?If we can give truth just a little air to breathe, nurture it, help it to grow, allow our light to shine in the darkness and eventually become brave enough to look it in the eye and call it by name, truth will transform.They are important for scale d- tributed systems and applications that require effective management of voluminous, distributed, and heterogeneous data.Since the seminal work of Tarski in the mid-twentieth century, the Liar paradox and other related paradoxes have stood in the way of a precise philosophical account of truth.Full color throughout.Data center facilities house computer systems, backup power supplies, and special security devices, and are a necessity for nearly every business, particularly for those with an online component This guide clarifies the requirements for modern data centers, examines options for acquiring a data center, and also explains network infrastructure alternatives Addresses the pros and cons of buying, leasing, or outsourcing data center facilities, and sheds lights on how to get the most out of an investment Reviews the key issues involved in designing a data center, including location, optimizing power and cooling needs, cabling issues, and more, Demystify data centers and keep your big data safe Big data is a big issue for modern businesses of all sizes, and everyone from IT managers to CTOs, network administrators, entrepreneurs, and beyond are looking for cost-effective and efficient ways to save and house their valuable information.Intermediate Tableau Public users and organizations can also use this book as a reference guide and teaching aid.The common usage of the new terms clarifies the emphasis of the book.This book provides guidance on dealing with the challenge of medical records management and compliance with patient confidentiality using information from medical devices.Ruehli received the Golden Jubilee Medal and the Guillemin-Cauer Prize, both from the IEEE CAS.Escape into a world of extravagant, immaculately constructed fantasy, with Do Not Disturb ., Adam Raphael’s Do Not Disturbis a sensual series of racially diverse male models lounging, bathing, and dining amid the lavish interiors and luxurious finishes of the finest hotels in America.